from Luke

I am one of the “Sat afternoon squad” who would meet up at Aperture Photographic in Museum Street . Robert would “Hold court” most days! I have never met anyone so “sharp” as him humour wise. He would have always remained my “Make a phone call guy” On “Who wants to be a Millionaire ”, he was that clever. I swear he must have had a lead from his brain to “Google ” 24/7 .

Robert was a very private man – whilst he mentioned “The Pub ” (Essex Road) and his fathers death, a period in Paris – his private life remained just that. It was obvious that he, like most of us, had a few “issues” floating around, but his death came as a major shock to me. To think I will never hear his voice again or to take a bet on which jacket he will be wearing – “Denim or Leather”, no matter if it was 33 degrees outside! He certainly was a “minimalist ” when it came to fashion …..

Roberts Death can be a lesson to all of us. Try not to be so worried, so private. True friends will at least listen and real friends will tell you truth even if you don’t want to hear it!

I wish I had known him longer. He was a great person to be around. And the comment about him being a real “Pro” is perfect. Robert was a 100% dedicated and reliable guy.

Some one rescue those boots, or at least ask that he is wearing them for his funeral!


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