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Tops Intelligent Technology Company conducts fire emergency evacuation drill

2021-03-12 In order to prevent and reduce the damage to the company's personnel and property caused by fires, explosions and other emergencies, to ensure that the company's emergency work can be carried out efficiently and orderly in the event of a disaster, to maximize the safety of employees, and to reduce casualties and property loss. The company's production department launched a fire emergency evacuation drill on June 29, 2016.

In accordance with the principle of "life protection first, timely evacuation with routes, and emergency command with plans", Zhu Jun, a senior electrician technician, explained the precautions for electrical fire fighting, and Cao Feng, a firefighter employee, used fire extinguishers and fire belts for employees. After the training, all production employees conducted a fire evacuation drill.

This fire emergency evacuation drill has effectively enhanced the company’s employees’ awareness of safety and precautions, and improved the company’s employees’ ability to evacuate and rescue themselves in an emergency situation. It is also a test of the company’s "Emergency Evacuation Drill Plan". Not only has it re-examined the reliability of the company’s preventive measures against emergencies, but it has also improved the company’s ability to actually respond to and deal with emergencies, and further enhance the safety awareness of employees, so that they can truly grasp the dangers and escape quickly. The basic method of self-rescue and mutual rescue to improve the ability to resist and respond to emergencies.

More relevant safety precaution exercises will be carried out one after another to achieve the purpose of further strengthening employees' awareness of safety in production and their ability to respond to emergencies.

Fire prevention and disaster relief, and handling emergency safety production incidents require everyone's joint efforts!

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